Tuesday 22 January 2013

Public Displays of Disaffection

1. What are three main points in this article? Support each point with a properly integrated quote

The three main points in the article "Public Display of Disaffection" by Anne Kingston are that cell phones have become a large distraction, they affect how people communicate with one another, and they are changing the behaviour of society. Firstly, cell phones have become a large distraction for those who are using them and as well for those who are not. For example "one woman so preoccupied with her cell [did not] even notice the sirens flagging her down" (Kingston 10) while driving. The second point is that even if the user believes that it is an appropriate time to use their cell phone, it may be considered inappropriate and extremely distracting to someone else - especially in a public area. A "poll found 63 per cent frowned on texting, checking email or talking on the phone in a restaurant," (Kingston 16) as it is disrespectful to those around them. Moreover, the use of cell phones are affecting social interactions. Rather than meeting someone and having a face-to-face conversation, many people would most likely make a quick and easy call where little effort would be involved. Finally, cell phones are drastically changing society's behaviour and attitude for the worse. Society uses social media accessible by cell phone to voice their opinion as "anonymous" and this has "turned formerly nice, sensitive, creative types into assholes,” (Kingston 12) because "technology itself can provoke perceived rudeness. (Kingston 12). The evolution of cell phones may have caused an unexpected, unintentional apocalypse.

2. Agree or disagree with each of her points. Please back up your ideas with specific examples.

For Kingston's first point, I do agree that cell phones are a huge distraction. Cell phones are constantly being used by students during class time and pinning the focus on their cell phone takes away the ability to be aware of what is more important - learning. As well, having a job as a waitress, it is irritating to wait for a customer to finish a text before taking their order. Kingston explains that communication has changed drastically as well. Cell phones have added social-awkwardness to face-to-face conversations. In the modern world, people are busy and sending a text would be easier. However there is still a vast amount of people interacting with each other - without a cell phone! At a job, at school, or at a dinner table, it is clearly not a rare occasion to observe someone having a conversation with someone in front of them. Lastly, Kingston believes that the use of social media cell phones could be transforming people into "assholes." Blogging, tweeting, or vlogging could be self-monitored if it were to stay on the computer. But nowadays, social media has become mobile and people are beginning to say whatever they would like without a conscious thought. However this point I do not fully agree with because if there was no easier way to voice an opinion, then fixing a problem would be more difficult to do.

3. When are times when you believe that cell phones are acceptable? How about  Unacceptable? Should schools, movie theatres and other public places consider bans or cell phone jammers like Europe?

Personally, I think that it is hard to consider what is acceptable versus unacceptable. For one person, they may think that no one else has a problem with cell phones but in reality, they might feel uneasy. Typically, people at any special occasion where dignity and respect are needed, such as receptions, or funerals, should definitely avoid using the cell phones because it is most likely considered rude. Cell phone jammers in schools, movie theatres and other public areas are not necessary. Modern society is starting to adapt to living with a cell phone at hand. There should not be such an excessive way to deal with the use of cell phones. Rather than blocking off the mass use of cell phones at once, trust should be deposited into those with even the slightest bit of common sense. Admittedly, cell phones truly do have great benefits that outweigh the downside - such as emergency calls or a navigation tool.

Days of the Week

     The word "notorious" does not even begin to describe this group of people and their reputation and fame is completely beyond any celebrity. Everybody must be acquainted with this group if they want to have a hold on life because each day can teach a valuable lesson by coaching them through each day. These seven people call themselves "Days of the Week," and they have been together for a millennium - possibly longer. Despite the fact that they are all united in one group, they have their unique differences. The most lenient day is Sunday. Rarely is she seen doing anything productive. She is often misjudged and is seen as lazy teenager but most people enjoy her companionship because she is easygoing and tremendously laid back. Although, anxiety can overwhelm her when she suddenly realizes she forgot to do her favour for Monday. Monday is an infamous elderly lady who never seems to have a pleasant day. Generally, everyone stereotypes her as the "ill-tempered old lady." Sleep deprivation has caused the wrinkly bags under her eyes draw the attention away from her caring personality. No one realizes that she never intends to ruin others' day, but perhaps she is miserable with how she is viewed. Tuesday is average. He has an average career, an average diet, an average preference in clothing and music, and he lives in an average home. Nothing is out of the norm for Tuesday. One odd thing about Tuesday is that maybe he is overly average. Wednesday is typically in the middle of everything but she never settles on a side. Her ideas and opinions seem to satisfy everyone even though she is very opinionated. Thursday is incredibly reassuring. He reminds everyone that they need to triumph over obstacles in order to accomplish their ambition. He is the shoulder to lean on and his generosity is endless. If someone wishes to vent or desires unforgettable advice, Thursday is there - guaranteed. Friday is the most popular. His clothing shows off his knowledge in the latest trends and he knows how to acquire the attention. The uniqueness of Friday is that his charisma and charm pulls in other people to the point where everyone is his best friend. Saturday is not the most popular but she is the most favourable. She depends on the other 6 days to manage her decisions but she is an individual who recognizes when to be sensible, and when to be silly. Everyone admires her because she is organized and knows how to balance her life. But there is always a concern about the future for her and the other days in the back of her head.