Tuesday 22 January 2013

Days of the Week

     The word "notorious" does not even begin to describe this group of people and their reputation and fame is completely beyond any celebrity. Everybody must be acquainted with this group if they want to have a hold on life because each day can teach a valuable lesson by coaching them through each day. These seven people call themselves "Days of the Week," and they have been together for a millennium - possibly longer. Despite the fact that they are all united in one group, they have their unique differences. The most lenient day is Sunday. Rarely is she seen doing anything productive. She is often misjudged and is seen as lazy teenager but most people enjoy her companionship because she is easygoing and tremendously laid back. Although, anxiety can overwhelm her when she suddenly realizes she forgot to do her favour for Monday. Monday is an infamous elderly lady who never seems to have a pleasant day. Generally, everyone stereotypes her as the "ill-tempered old lady." Sleep deprivation has caused the wrinkly bags under her eyes draw the attention away from her caring personality. No one realizes that she never intends to ruin others' day, but perhaps she is miserable with how she is viewed. Tuesday is average. He has an average career, an average diet, an average preference in clothing and music, and he lives in an average home. Nothing is out of the norm for Tuesday. One odd thing about Tuesday is that maybe he is overly average. Wednesday is typically in the middle of everything but she never settles on a side. Her ideas and opinions seem to satisfy everyone even though she is very opinionated. Thursday is incredibly reassuring. He reminds everyone that they need to triumph over obstacles in order to accomplish their ambition. He is the shoulder to lean on and his generosity is endless. If someone wishes to vent or desires unforgettable advice, Thursday is there - guaranteed. Friday is the most popular. His clothing shows off his knowledge in the latest trends and he knows how to acquire the attention. The uniqueness of Friday is that his charisma and charm pulls in other people to the point where everyone is his best friend. Saturday is not the most popular but she is the most favourable. She depends on the other 6 days to manage her decisions but she is an individual who recognizes when to be sensible, and when to be silly. Everyone admires her because she is organized and knows how to balance her life. But there is always a concern about the future for her and the other days in the back of her head.

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