Saturday 4 February 2012

Write For Your Life

Niki Vuong
744 Armstrong Drive
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 8L4

February 2, 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain, The One and Only:

       I understand that you, a very courageous captain, are about to go through the most traumatic choice-making situation you will ever experience. However, I can take the weight off of your lovely shoulders and this will become one of the easiest decisions you will ever have to compromise. Many of your crew members may tell you that they are worthy of life and that they will become very influential, but does that sound realistic? No. My aspiration is much greater than the others'. I am on my way to becoming a cat lady. I am already halfway there, but many others haven't even taken the first step towards their goal. They can talk the talk, but they can they walk the walk? Do they even have the reputation they require? I certainly do, seeing as though I own a delightful domestic tabby cat named Toby. As well, I am very popular for my obsession and tremendous love of cats. Needless to say, I'm also known for being awesome but it's not about that. You see, the love I have for cats will be extremely useful in the near future because we all know that there will be a cat-pocalypse. How will it be useful, you, the best captain in this universe, might ask? Well, only a cat lady will have the knowledge of a cat's thoughts and will know how to control the outrageous, dangerous and destructive behaviour the cats will display. Therefore, I will be the only person who can save the world (that means you) from the takeover of cats. If you want me to save the world, you must save me first. Saving me also means great benefits for you. After I have protected the world from the apocalypse, I will let the world know that I wouldn't have been able to become the world's saviour, if you weren't mine in the beginning. Soon after that, you will have all the glorious fame and fortune you have ever wanted. After all, I know that you are the most kind-hearted, generous, and instinctive captain, out there. So please, do the world a favour, and save me, a future cat lady, someone who will do the world justice.

Do you even have to consider saving the others?


Niki Vuong

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