Monday 10 September 2012

Not So Mundane

           The constant feeling of not knowing or understanding something can be extremely discouraging. What if I could overcome that feeling if I were to have superhuman intelligence? I would know everything - from useless facts about celebrities to the answers of the hardest physics equations in the world. Many may think being a geek, or a nerd is unexciting and too mundane. However, being a big “braniac” and having more than enough knowledge would be out of the ordinary, and fascinating. Basically, I would be a walking encyclopedia. I would know the reason for the sky being blue; I would know if there was the existence of a parallel universe, and I would know which came first: the chicken or the egg. Spending my time studying or researching for tests and projects would be preposterous. I would effortlessly ace every challenging quiz, test, and exam without even trying. Moreover, I, most likely would not have to be in school if I was that clever. Without school, I would have an abundance of spare time on my hands and I could do whatever I please with that time. Maybe I could discover a cure for cancer or create a novel about the meaning of life. I would have a record winning streak in the game of “Trivial Pursuit.” With my competitiveness and passion, I could go on “Jeopardy” and answer every question that is asked without any hesitation. Everyone’s minds would be blown. Something even more thrilling would be being a part of the FBI. In the show “Criminal Minds,” I would be equivalent to the profiler, Spencer Reid. As a profiler, it would be extremely easy for me to figure out who the criminal was and the team and I would be able to solve a case exceptionally faster than reality.  I would have the potential in becoming a world superhero by “making the world a better place.” With all things considered, having unlimited intelligence would clearly be the ultimate superhuman power.

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